Daniel Iron was happy to help Hoar Contsruction with the Structural Framing and Miscellanous Metals for the new One Bellevue Place shopping center as seen in the pictures below.

Daniel Iron was happy to help Hoar Contsruction with the Structural Framing and Miscellanous Metals for the new One Bellevue Place shopping center as seen in the pictures below.
In October of 2008, Turner Construction Company contracted Daniel to perform the Ornamental Metals package at the new Frick Chemistry Building on the campus of the Ivy League’s Princeton University. The project’s architect was Hopkins Architects out of London, England and the package was worth roughly $4 million with change orders.
In 2009, Daniel was contracted by local structural steel fabricator North State Steel to fabricate and install a monumental staircase in the Genomic Sciences building on the campus of the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill.
In 2009, Daniel was contracted by Folger Pratt to take part in the Silver Spring Transit Center in Silver Spring, Maryland. The transit center is largely concrete and steel, and Daniel’s package is the steel. The biggest part of Daniel’s contract is two large pipe trusses that wrap an escalator and stair.
Early in 2012 Daniel Iron was contract with Hensel Phelps to perform the miscellaneous and ornamental metals at BWI Airport on the B-C Connector project. The job finished up mid-2013 and everything went great. See below for some pictures of our work.
Daniel Iron is underway with a large scale mixed use development with Hoar Construction in Alpharetta, GA. Daniel is doing all the steel components of 5 buildings including structural steel, miscellaneous metals, egress stairs, monumental stairs, railings, and ornamental metals.
Avalon 8000 was a 10 story concrete office building where Daniel did the structural steel package. Daniel’s scoep of work included some hang down framing on the first floor, stair chase beams and elevator steel up the entire buidling,